Technological Innovation and Sustainability in Action

Delta Digital in action

At Delta Digital, we believe in action over words. Last week we put our beliefs back into practice by completing an extraordinary commissioning of a large renewable energy plant. This project was a true showcase of our technological versatility and ability to meet challenges. Let’s take a closer look at what we did last week and what we stand for.

A Major Project

Our most recent project involved the commissioning of a renewable energy plant. A challenge of enormous magnitude that required our full range of expertise. We realized the PLC control including HMI, SCADA, industrial networks and our data acquisition system.

PLC Control: The Plant Compass

The PLC control system was the beating heart of this project. We designed and implemented a customized operating system to make all operational processes work together seamlessly.

HMI for Human-Machine Interaction

Our expertise extended beyond the technical aspects. We created a Human Machine Interface (HMI) that simplifies interaction between operators and the plant. User-friendliness was paramount.

SCADA for Real-Time Control

The SCADA system enabled operators to have real-time control of all processes. Recipes could easily be entered for the system to function optimally.

Data Acquisition and Intelligence

On top of the SCADA system, we implemented our layer 4 data intelligence system. This allows all stakeholders to collect important data and direct what matters to them. This data forms the basis for future optimization.

A Sustainable Future

At Delta Digital, we believe not only in technological versatility, but also in sustainability. Our goal is to create a circular environment where no residual products are left behind. We are committed to innovation that has a positive impact on our planet.


And no, we are not talking about the diversity that is much discussed these days, but rather diversity in our work. We believe in the power of individuals to do their best, which is good for both the employee and the employer.

Challenge Us

Whether it’s a chiller, generator, ship or power plant, we rise to the challenge when it suits our people and we get excited.


Last week we proved again that Delta Digital stands for action, technological versatility and sustainability. We turn our beliefs into tangible results. Does your company have a technology challenge? Challenge us, because at Delta Digital we love doing is believing.

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