Optimizing Efficiency and Sustainability in Maritime with RefPro+

Learn how RefPro+ transformed a marine customer’s refrigeration system, saving them significant costs and increasing their efficiency. Learn more about our innovative approach and find out how we can help your business.

We recently worked with a customer in the maritime sector, where our implementation of RefPro+ revealed critical inefficiencies in their refrigeration system. The vessel relied on a water-cooled condenser, which is normally cleaned periodically to ensure optimal performance. However, the customer focused primarily on compressor discharge pressure as a measure of the performance of the entire refrigeration system. As a result, the condenser was often overlooked, leading to severe fouling and corrosion that affected its operation. To understand the impact of a condenser take a look at our article

The remarkable thing was that the customer did not consider cleaning the condenser until the compressor showed abnormally high discharge pressure and began to cause problems. However, this deferred maintenance was already causing significant damage to the condenser due to accumulated contamination. The result was a gradual decrease in cooling capacity, which ultimately had a negative impact on the ship’s overall operational efficiency.

The situation became even more critical when we discovered that the condenser was nearly succumbing to the damage caused by accumulated contamination and corrosion. If this condenser had failed, it would not only have entailed significant repair costs, but would also have severely disrupted the ship’s operational activities, with possible financial repercussions.

Fortunately, RefPro+’ s advanced monitoring and calculation capabilities allowed us to quickly determine that the condenser’s efficiency was well below optimal levels. This was particularly notable given the cold water temperatures at sea, where condenser performance is critical to the ship’s overall cooling capacity.

Working closely with the client, we created a proactive plan to address the situation and take the cooling system to a more efficient and sustainable level. By quickly addressing the condenser problems and closely following our optimization process, we not only prevented further damage, such as possible leaks, but also significantly improved the overall performance of the cooling system.

Within just a few months, the investment in RefPro+ was recouped through avoided repair costs. This highlights the exceptional value RefPro+ offers in optimizing cooling system efficiency, with a quick payback period that justifies the investment.

By leveraging RefPro+, our client not only realized immediate cost savings, but also laid a foundation for long-term sustainability. This case highlights the transformative impact that proactive maintenance and advanced analytics can have on maritime operations, opening the way to a more efficient and sustainable future on the high seas.

Our post-implementation approach includes the following optimization steps:

  1. Definition and baseline measurement.
  2. Preparation of an initial report and optimization plan.
  3. Implementation of the optimization plan.
  4. Testing and validation of the implementation.
  5. Reporting and evaluation of results.
  6. Security through our smart reporting system.

Join us to revolutionize your refrigeration management and unlock untapped potential for efficiency and sustainability in your industry. Contact us today to learn more about how RefPro+ can transform your operations.

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